Research & Education Resources
- Wide and global distribution of research and education outcomes conducted by Hitotsubashi University.
- Building comprehensive database of publications by Hitotsubashi University: contents of annals, journals, working papers and other research reports, research data, publicity materials, university history materials etc.
- Storing and disclosing research papers published in academic journals and doctoral thesis written by university members. Papers are disclosed after receiving publication permissions.
- Cooperation with other institutions which promote academic information distribution such as National Institute of Informatics (NII), Japan Consortium for Open Access Repositories (JPCOAR) and Japan Alliance of University Library Consortia for E-Resources (JUSTICE).
Special Collections
- Wide disclosure of electronic images of special collections owned by Hitotsubashi University.
- Digitalizing valuable collection of social science classics, original historical materials (photos, illustrated catalogs, documents, handwritten documents, natural history materials etc.), which enables both material preservation and public disclosure.
- Digitalizing and disclosure of university publicity and history materials.